COVID-19 Pandemic Updates: What Does the New Delta Variant Mean For Us?

Get Well Home Health, Inc.
3 min readAug 11, 2021

As we all know, the COVID-19 pandemic has been rampant in the United States since early March 2020. With vaccine roll-outs, cases have started to decline, heading closer and closer to herd immunity. Out of nowhere, however, we’ve been hit by a new strain- the Delta variant — and cases have been on the rise yet again. As of August 11, 2021, 98% of U.S. residents now live in a high transmission area, according to CNN. You can see a map of the areas on their COVID updates page.

So what does the new Delta virus mean for us?

Will Mask Mandates Be Enforced Again?

As of August 11, 2021, there has not been a federal mandate put into place again. Mask mandates have varied widely, whether on a state-by-state basis, or even county. For example, in Southern California, Los Angeles County has implemented a mask mandate if you are unvaccinated whereas Orange County has none.

If you don’t know about the status of mask mandates in your area, be sure to check out AARP’s article breaking it down state by state.

School is About To Start Again… Will It Be In-Person or Online?

Unfortunately, we’re still unsure about this ourselves. At a university level, most schools are offering a hybrid option so that students can decide whether or not they are comfortable. For K-12, however, there is more variety, similar to the mask mandates. The Los Angeles Unified School District has offered parents the option to have their students take classes in person. However, students would be placed with teachers specifically designated for online classes. This means they could be in a classroom with a teacher that isn’t from their school.

As more information develops on the Delta virus, schools will have to adapt accordingly, so stay aware of any updates your child’s school sends you.

I’ve Been Vaccinated For a While Now… Am I Protected Against Delta?

Yes and no. More than 90% of Delta cases have been people who remained unvaccinated. Depending on the state, anywhere between 1%-6% of cases are those who were vaccinated. Every vaccine and every person reacts differently. Chances are pretty high that as long as you are vaccinated and are practicing safe habits (such as wearing a mask and social distancing) you won’t experience the Delta virus. However, there is still a chance. If you are exposed to someone that tests positive for COVID-19, be sure to isolate yourself and take a test 7–10 days after exposure.

I Live In a Nursing Home… Am I Safe?

Unfortunately, it depends on the state you reside in. Some states are seeing that less than half of nursing home staff are vaccinated. In these states (which include Florida and Kentucky), COVID cases are rising anywhere between 2.6–18.4 times higher than their counterparts. If you reside in a nursing home, and it is medically safe to do so, it is best to get a vaccine to help further protect yourself.

As we inch closer to herd immunity, we hopefully won’t have to worry much about COVID-19 in the near future. In the meantime, stay informed and stay safe!

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