What is Speech Therapy and How Do Seniors Benefit From It?

Get Well Home Health, Inc.
2 min readJul 18, 2021

At Get Well Home Health, Inc. we offer speech therapy to our patients who need it. Many people are aware that Speech Therapy can help children who are struggling with speaking for the first time, but adults also greatly benefit from it. If adults start to see a change in their speech pattern, or even difficulty swallowing, then speech therapy may be the answer for them.

What does Speech Therapy for adults entail?

Speech Therapy for adults involves evaluating and providing therapy for communication issues such as speech, language, swallowing, cognitive communication, social communication, pragmatics, auditory processing, fluency (stuttering), voice disorders, and training for use of alternative/augmentative communication (AAC) devices.

What does training for the use of AAC devices mean?

AAC devices are alternative methods for communication when a person is nonverbal (such as using an iPad to communicate). Another example is when patients with larynx cancer need an electro-larynx, sometimes referred to as a “throat back”, because they lost their voice box. Our speech therapists can help guide patients through the process of how to use these new devices.

A woman holding an alternative/augmentative communication (AAC) device.
A woman holding an alternative/augmentative communication (AAC) device.

How do I know if I or a loved one need to get Speech Therapy?

So, what are some things we should watch out for? Watch your loved ones for difficulty swallowing, coughing, choking, clearing their throat while eating or drinking, drooling, or having a “gurgly” voice after eating. Also watch for difficulties with memory, attention, organization, problem-solving, or finding the right word to say. Speech Therapy can greatly help with any of these issues.

If you or a loved one could benefit from Speech Therapy, please reach out to Get Well Home Health, Inc. to see how we can help. You can reach us at (818) 627–7699 or by emailing us at teamgetwell@gmail.com.

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